Pathogen Specific Fungal Panels

Antigen, antibody and immunodiffusion tests included in the pathogen specific panels have been grouped to provide the greatest sensitivity and specificity when clinical symptoms and background information point to a single fungal pathogen.


Available Panels

> MVista® Canine Blastomycosis Panel

Test code: 910


Blastomyces Antigen#
Blastomyces Antibody

Specimen: 0.5mL Urine + 0.5mL Serum

> MVista® Canine Histoplasmosis Panel

Test code: 911


Histoplasma Antigen#
Histoplasma Antibody

Specimen: 0.5mL Urine + 0.5mL Serum

> MVista® Canine Coccidioidomycosis Panel

Test code: 912


Coccidioides Antibody Immunodiffusion
Coccidioides Antibody IgG EIA

Specimen: 0.5mL Serum

> MVista® Feline Histoplasmosis Panel

Test code: 913


Histoplasma Antigen#
Histoplasma Antibody

Specimen: 0.5mL Urine + 0.5mL Serum

> MVista® Canine & Feline Mold-Hyphae Panel

Test code: 914


Aspergillus Antigen
Beta-D-Glucan Antigen
Pythium Antibody

Specimen: 1.0mL Serum

#Disclaimer: There is high cross-reactivity between Histo 310 & Blasto 316 and are not included in the same panel.

1Disclaimer Secondary sample type will be used if insufficient volume of primary sample type.